Virtual Consults Across Ontario!

The Process

Providing services through virtual care offers convenience and accessibility for individuals. Here's how the process typically unfolds:

  1. Booking your appointment: Using the Practice Better forum, book your consultation appointment with Inner Bliss Care for the service you choose. Booking fees are required to be paid in full. It is recommended you book your consultation 2-3 weeks out to allow necessary requirements to be completed for your consultation.

  2. Create your profile: Through Practice Better, create your user account, this will be where all communication, forms and appointments take place.

  3. Intake Forms: Intake forms will be sent to you to complete through Practice Better. These forms gather essential information about your medical history, current health status, symptoms, and lifestyle factors.

  4. Laboratory Testing: After completing the intake forms, laboratory testing of your blood is conducted. This step is crucial as it provides objective data on your current hormone levels, along with other relevant health markers. These tests help to identify any deficiencies or imbalances that may be contributing to your symptoms or health concerns.

  5. Consultation with Nurse Practitioner: Once the laboratory results are available, you'll have a consultation with a nurse practitioner who specializes in BHRT and LDN. During this consultation, your provider will review your test results, discuss your symptoms and health goals, and conduct a comprehensive assessment of your overall health and lifestyle factors.

  6. Customized Treatment Plan: Based on the information gathered from the intake forms, laboratory tests, and consultation, a personalized BHRT/LDN/ Thyroid treatment plan is developed. This plan is tailored to address your specific hormone imbalances and health needs. It may include prescriptions for bio-identical hormones in forms such as creams, patches, or pellets, as well as recommendations for lifestyle changes or additional therapies to support hormone optimization.

  7. Follow-Up Care: Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor your progress, adjust hormone dosages if necessary, and address any concerns or changes in symptoms. Follow-up care is essential to ensure that your treatment plan remains effective and optimized for your ongoing health and well-being.

Virtual care allows individuals to access specialized services from the comfort of their own homes, while still receiving personalized and comprehensive care. It combines the convenience of remote consultations with the clinical expertise needed to safely and effectively manage your health and achieve your inner bliss!